COVID 19 Cleaning
Coronavirus Deep Cleaning across Northeast VIC and Southern NSW

COVID19 Deep Cleaning Service - Fog Out Cleaning Services

COVID19 Deep Clean Service for Ron Finemore Transport
Come on Australia, let us show the rest of the world how it’s done. Our success rate of being able to keep COVID19 at bay is so far going well.
NEWS: Victorian COVIDSafe Deep Cleaning Rebate.
There are now rebates available to help you cover the cost of cleaning due to a suspected or confirmed COVID‑19 case.
However we are far from in the clear.
At Kleenkeen we can offer complete fog outs with our world leading Coronavirus extraction process.
Our product has Q.A.C as a base which has been recommended by the FDA, and is safe for your employees & family alike.
We do a complete fog out with Q.A.C. Our product when sprayed stays airborne for up to 40 minutes, ensuring all airborne viruses are eradicated.
Then it drifts down into all the smallest holes and cracks etc giving a complete barrier. Then we go one step further and spray and wipe all surfaces with our product.
COVID 19 doesn’t stand a chance.
Hygiene in our workplaces and homes has never been more important.
Our Deep Steam Cleaning gets rid of all the nasties, in particular, Coronavirus.
With our Coronavirus Deep Cleaning service. We also provide a complete fogging out of the premises to make sure that every surface is sanitised, to ensure that every area has been disinfected and is safe for you, your family and your employees.
Contact us for a quote or to discuss an on-call agreement.

COVID19 Deep Clean at Manns Centre Wodonga - 25 Sep 2021

COVID19 Deep Clean at Manns Centre Wodonga
DHHS requires that all COVID19 related carpet cleaning is NOT to be done with a regular vacuum as the risk of making the virus particles airborne and dispersing those that may have settled.
All COVID19 related cleaning of carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture MUST be steam cleaned with carpet cleaning equipment. This MUST use hot water extraction that is recognised by Standard AS/NZS 3733: 2018 to minimise chemical and soil residue. The heat from this method is enough to deactivate bacteria and viruses.
Contact out team, so we can help you clean up after a COVID19 exposure.
The Kleenkeen team is based in Albury/Wodonga; but we can help you clean up all across VIC, NSW and ACT.
And beyond. We'll go anywhere we're needed. Get in touch to find out when we can come to you.
Our team have all passed Police background checks.
We're all also vaccinated against COVID19 and the Flu.
Based in Albury/Wodonga; cleaning North East VIC and Southern NSW
NOTE: Our team have been vaccinated against COVID19 and the Flu

Kleenkeen team completing a COVD19 Deep Clean for St Augustine's Primary School
Let us help you get clean.